The importance of play in learning to compromise

Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

| Learning

Relating and negotiating go hand in hand. As the child builds his identity and understands others’ differences, he learns to compromise. He discovers and acknowledges a teammate’s position, presents his views and tries to reach a possible agreement. This is how the child seeks the best means to instil harmony in relationships.

Park playground

Jambette playground equipment, due to the way they are conceived, create an environment that promotes the learning of compromise.

Exposed to events and, in this case fun, the child also examines the circumstances and challenges of the game, identifies his allies and his adversaries, if there are any, and considers scenarios. These pave the way to the development of strategies. Through group play, the child moves from action to thought. His ability to discern and adapt develops. Moreover, the child himself discovers conflict resolution abilities within himself.

Outdoor play structure

Children learn through play ! This is why Jambette develops and designs play equipment that promotes the child's social and moral development. To learn more about how play contributes to every aspect of child development, download our Clever Little Guide to Getting Children Out to Play .